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FAQ Copy

Who we are

This service is operated by The McFarlin Firm, PLLC in Dallas, Texas.  Our principal attorney is Ryan McFarlin.  Over the last 16 years in litigation and general business counseling, The McFarlin Firm realized that the general public believes getting legal advice and counsel is difficult, time-consuming, and expensive.  In an effort to be more accessible and direct, is different from other law firms by providing direct booking and a clear pricing structure.

content is not advice

The content on this website should not be taken as a substitute for advice by a competent attorney. Use of this website or submission of an online form does not constitute the forming of an attorney-client relationship. No one in this firm is agreeing to represent you in any legal matter. Accordingly, no attorney-client relationship is formed until you are contacted back by this law firm and the law firm accepts the legal task and representation. There will be documents filed, letters written or agreements or contracts drafted or made for a prospective client until that person is officially represented by the law firm. As stated above, an attorney-client relationship only arises after the attorney and client have agreed to an attorney-client agreement, and this doesn’t arise until after the attorney has evaluated the background facts provided and has accepted the representation of the client’s legal action.

can i get a refund for unused time?

No.  By booking and paying for the allotted time slot, you are removing the ability to provide services to other customers.  We encourage you to use the maximum amount of time that you purchase.  However, if you cancel your appointment more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled time, you will receive a 100% refund.

can i reschedule my appointment?

Yes.  You are allowed to reschedule your appointment up to 2 times. If you’ve booked only a phone or zoom call for general advice, and you do not attend your second rescheduled appointment, you are not entitled to a refund.  If you’ve booked one of the specific services, including File LLC + IRS Tax ID and File LLC + IRS Tax ID + Company Agreement, and you do not attend your second rescheduled appointment, you are entitled to an 80% refund.  For example, if you’ve booked and paid $825 for File LLC + IRS Tax ID, and you’ve missed your second rescheduled appointment, you are entitled to a refund of $660.  This obviously means that the remaining balance of $165 will NOT be refunded because you removed the ability of The McFarlin Firm to provide services to other customers.

what do I need for my appointment?

If you’ve booked a basic time appointment only, we want you to make the best use of your time, so make sure you have your questions planned and/or written down before the appointment starts!  If you have specific documents that you want to share with the attorney during the appointment, please make sure you email any documents in pdf to at least 24 hours in advance. If you are unable to do so, you can certainly share the documents online (if you’ve booked a Zoom call) or email them during the call, however, this may not be the best use of your time.  If you’ve booked a File LLC + IRS Tax ID or other specific service appointment, make sure you have all the necessary information for the attorney to draft and file the documents in real time during your appointment.  This information includes, but not limited to:

(1) Proposed name of business (and alternates)

(2) Legal names of all owners

(3) Address of all owners

(4) Address of business

(5) Name and address of Registered Agent (if chosen)

(6) Ownership percentages

(7) Profit-sharing percentages and distributions (can be different than ownership %)

(8) Other unique or specific provisions or requirements if a Company Agreement is requested.

Are the texas filing fees included in your price?

Yes.  The price listed on our website for LLC, Corporation, or Partnership filing INCLUDES the fees charged by the State of Texas.

when will i receive confirmation my llc is approved?

The Texas Secretary of State is presently taking approximately 10 days to process entity filings and/or Certificates of Formation.  This is outside of our control. Once the documents are processed and file-stamped, attorney will email you copies.

when will i receive my tax id number?

As soon as we receive confirmation that the State of Texas approves the formation of your company, we will request an IRS Tax ID Number (also known as Employer Identification Number) within 1 business day.  The Tax ID Number is issued electronically immediately upon request.  Once issued, attorney will email you copies of the number and the IRS Letter.

do you provide tax advice or advise on whether to elect s-corp or c-corp status?

No.  We are not accountants, tax attorneys, or CPAs.  Please contact a CPA for obtain advice on whether you should make an IRS election to be treated or taxed as an S-Corp or C-Corp.  Also review the IRS website for additional information.